Pilih template website yang Anda Sukai

Semua Template Situs Web

  • Template situs web All – Designer

    Sesuai Untuk:

    Graphic designers, creative professionals and artists


    Your creativity will be on full display with this sharp and eye-catching template. Showcase your professional profile by easily uploading images and sharing the important details of your projects. Start editing your site today and proudly display your artistic talents.

  • Template situs web All – Hotel

    Sesuai Untuk:

    Bed and breakfasts, guest houses, and small hotels


    Convey the luxurious atmosphere of your dwelling with a clean and modern website. You can easily upload gorgeous images of your accommodations in minutes, and with a site that is custom tailored to fit your needs, visitors can easily find out more about your facilities, amenities, rates, and more. Get online today and start managing reservations and bookings with Wix Hotels.

  • Template situs web All – Wedding Invitation

    Sesuai Untuk:

    Wedding Planning, Wedding Registry, Save The Date, Wedding Announcement


    Love is in the air with this new and beautiful engagement website template. This romantic and whimsical template has it all: a place to share your love story with your guests, details of the big day, info about the wedding party, and a place to RSVP. Turn this template into your unique wedding story now, simply click 'Edit' to begin

  • Template situs web All – Cell Phone Accessories Store

    Sesuai Untuk:

    eCommerce, creative merchandise, and tech accessories.


    This brightly colored and playful template puts the spotlight on your product collection. Subtle animations and a vibrant site layout help bring your brand to life, while the digital shop makes it easy for customers to find and purchase exactly what they want. Click edit and start selling your merchandise online today!

  • Template situs web All – Sekolah Bahasa Online

    Sesuai Untuk:

    Situs web film, produser video, studio film, dan perusahaan distribusi film


    Bagikan keahlian dan konten multimedia pendidikan Anda dengan template yang menyenangkan dan menarik ini. Aplikasi Video Wix memudahkan untuk mengunggah koleksi video Anda, mempromosikan kursus online Anda, dan mengelola langganan pengguna. Buat dampak dengan pelajaran menarik dan sumber daya profesional Anda, klik 'Edit' untuk mulai menyesuaikan platform berbagi video Anda hari ini.

  • Template situs web All – New Album Landing Page

    Sesuai Untuk:

    Bands, DJs and musicians.


    Get the exposure your music deserves with a professional website showcasing your latest video release and focusing on your creative talents. Wix Video makes it easy to upload and share your music videos, while Wix Music puts your songs a click away from fans.

  • Template situs web All – Hostel

    Sesuai Untuk:

    Hostels, bed and breakfasts and guest houses.


    This fun and inviting template makes it easy for guests to book a stay at your urban hostel. Upload photos to promote your accommodation's amenities, and customize your content to capture the welcoming atmosphere and social activities visitors enjoy when they spend the night.

  • Template situs web All – Investment Company

    Sesuai Untuk:

    Investment funds, venture capital firms and financial consultants.


    Navigating the financial investment world can be a daunting task. Show prospective clients that you have what it takes to succeed by sharing your experience and specializations with this clean and comprehensive template. A nice mixture of text, images and icons helps to balance and diversify your website; just like your prosperous investment portfolio.

  • Template situs web All – Snack Bar Company

    Sesuai Untuk:

    Sellers of delicious food products, like healthy snacks and organic eats.


    With a product as delicious as it is appetizing, this is the perfect template for independent businesses promoting and selling their tasty treats. Unveil your newest flavors, promote your latest sale, and let customers know where they can find your brand in stock.

  • Template situs web All – Halaman Arahan Segera Hadir

    Sesuai Untuk:

    Pembukaan toko, toko online, desainer web.


    Terkadang dasar lebih baik. Saat Anda sibuk mempersiapkan segala sesuatunya untuk pembukaan toko baru Anda, template 'segera hadir' yang sederhana ini sangat cocok untuk terhubung dengan pelanggan masa depan Anda. Sesuaikan tanggal pembukaan Anda, tautkan akun media sosial Anda, dan bangun pengikut setia hanya dengan beberapa klik.

  • Template situs web All – Coming Soon Landing Page

    Sesuai Untuk:

    Design studios, artists, bloggers.


    It's easy to keep in touch with your site visitors while your blog is under constuction. Simply add your contact information, link your social media accounts, and you're set. While your working on your site, allow your visitors to subscribe to updates and let them know when you're ready to go live. Your exciting website is only a few clicks away, start editing now.

  • Template situs web All – Fotografer Drone

    Sesuai Untuk:

    Fotografer udara & drone, petualang luar ruangan, profesional kreatif.


    Biarkan fotografi Anda melambung dengan template fotografi udara yang mencolok ini. Bagikan keindahan dunia dari perspektif yang lebih tinggi dengan galeri profesional yang menampilkan foto dan video drone indah Anda, dan Wix Bookings memudahkan klien untuk memesan layanan fotografi khusus Anda.