Sesuai Untuk:
Toko kelontong, toko makanan organik, dan bisnis berkelanjutan
Dengan desain modern dan warna yang hangat dan mengundang, template toko ini memiliki semua yang Anda butuhkan untuk mempromosikan bisnis Anda. Sesuaikan teks, gambar, dan grafik yang memukau untuk mempromosikan produk toko Anda. Bagikan kisah dan filosofi berkelanjutan Anda dengan calon pelanggan, dan pertahankan pengunjung tetap terlibat dengan memelihara Wix Blog. Jadikan toko Anda online dan jadilah sensasi komunitas, baik online maupun offline.
Sesuai Untuk:
Christmas parties, holiday celebrations, and special events
Bright, jolly and festive, this template is sure to get your guests in the holiday spirit! Customize each section with your event details and use Wix Events to easily collect RSVPs. Click edit to start the festivities!
Sesuai Untuk:
Holiday blogs, food bloggers, and online recipe collections
Inspire your foodie followers and channel the holiday spirit with a gorgeous site full of decadent recipes to try out. Wix Blog makes it easy to create and organize posts into themed collections. With a section for your latest blog posts and a stunning Instagram feed, your site visitors will find something new and engaging every time.
Sesuai Untuk:
Creative directors, designers, artistic professionals
This dynamic and colorful template is perfect for making a bold statement while showcasing your work front and center. Easily customize the images, text and design to make it your own. Click edit to get started today.
Sesuai Untuk:
Nature photographers, wildlife enthusiasts, and animal lovers
Whether you need a website to store your images or you're looking to showcase your photography work, this template has it all. Use Wix Photo Albums to create private collections for your clients, and Wix Art Store to easily sell digital prints. Write a few blog posts, upload photographs, and publish a professional site where your visual creativity takes center stage.
Sesuai Untuk:
Toko hewan peliharaan, toko perlengkapan hewan, dan butik online
Burung berkicau, anjing menggonggong, dan toko online ini adalah platform sempurna Anda untuk menjual produk hewan peliharaan unik Anda. Cantik dan mudah digunakan, template ini menawarkan beberapa galeri produk dan koleksi yang dikategorikan. Cukup unggah informasi dan foto produk Anda, perbarui informasi kontak penting dan… guk! Anda baru saja mengubah bisnis Anda menjadi sensasi online!
Sesuai Untuk:
Music festivals, tour launches, and artistic performances
Organizing a festival full of unique performances and experiences demands a website that informs and engages your community of attendees. This template has everything you need to get the word out for your upcoming event. Easily customize the lineup, location, and list of sponsors, sync your Instagram feed, and sell tickets to excited fans.
Sesuai Untuk:
New Year's parties, Christmas gatherings, and holiday celebrations
Get ready to celebrate the holiday season in style with a template that's glittering with gold. Wix Events makes it easy to manage your guest list and for site visitors to reserve their place at the party. With original illustrations and a fun layout, all you have to do is customize your event's information then click 'Publish' to get your invitation online today.
Sesuai Untuk:
Akademi pelatihan profesional, lokakarya kesehatan, dan kursus kebugaran.
Kesehatan, kekuatan, kesehatan. Ini adalah hal-hal yang Anda ingin pengunjung situs Anda hargai, dan mengapa template akademi kebugaran ini sangat cocok untuk menarik mereka. Dengan tata letak yang bersih dan jelas yang menekankan visi akademi Anda, testimonial pelatihan, anggota tim yang memenuhi syarat, dan penawaran kursus yang dapat dipesan, program Anda akan penuh dengan rekrutan baru dalam waktu singkat.
Sesuai Untuk:
Services, small businesses, home decor, community services, gardening services, ecological businesses.
This eco-friendly template dazzles with natural imagery of plants, leaves, and gardens. It makes it easy to build and manage your online ecological community. Engage site-visitors with video tutorials, promote and manage community events with Wix Events app, and retain participation with a newsletter signup. Click Edit to get started!
Sesuai Untuk:
Resumes, CVs, and creative professionals
You're a creative individual, and your CV should reflect your imaginative personality. Now it can with this bright, bold, and modern template that allows you to represent your skills, showcase the projects you've worked on, and let your originality shine through. Like what you see? Make it yours by editing now.
Sesuai Untuk:
Sinagoga, sekolah Ibrani, dan organisasi keagamaan.
Rayakan budaya dan tradisi dengan template yang hangat, mengundang, dan hidup ini. Dengan tata letak yang mudah diedit dan dirancang sederhana, situs ini hanya menunggu Anda untuk menambahkan sentuhan akhir. Unggah foto dan video komunitas Anda, sesuaikan teks, dan izinkan pengguna mendaftar ke acara tanpa repot dengan menggunakan Wix Events. Jadikan template ini milik Anda hari ini!