Sesuai Untuk:
Children's camps, after-school programs, and student organizations
Get kids excited about strengthening their skills and making like-minded friends with this fun and educational template. Easily customize the important details about your program such as dates, activities and staff members. And with Wix Events, parents can register their children for any of the sessions. Click 'Edit' to make this site your own and influence the next generation of movers and shakers.
Sesuai Untuk:
Teachers, online instructors and lecturers
Welcome your existing and potential students to your site with this professional and elegantly designed template, perfect for a private tutor aiming to showcase their course lists and credentials in a structured and organized manner. Get started by simply adding your experience and updating the services you offer, then publish your site so you can focus on what you love, teaching!
Sesuai Untuk:
Tutorials, video courses, and online educators
Give your online videos the platform they deserve with this straightforward and cinematic template. The Wix Video app will make uploading, organizing and sharing your content an easy and fun experience, and lets you control the pricing and previewing settings of your entire collection. Invite your site visitors to subscribe to updates and add a few details about yourself or your classes. Ready to attract your first viewers? Start editing your site today!
Sesuai Untuk:
Summer camps, religious organizations and faith-based programs
Customize this fun and engaging template to combine your camp's activities with its religious values, faith studies and retreats. Easily personalize the text and link your Instagram account to showcase the best parts of camp-life for parents, children and prospective attendees. Also, take advantage of the ability to edit the registration form and donation page to keep your community connected and involved.
Sesuai Untuk:
Restoran, katering, dan bisnis kuliner
Segar, sehat, trendi. Anda memiliki banyak hal untuk ditawarkan kepada pelanggan dengan ramuan kuliner Anda. Bagikan menu unik Anda, tunjukkan akun Instagram Anda yang menarik, promosikan layanan katering dan pesan-antar Anda, dan permudah orang untuk memesan secara online. Yang tersisa untuk Anda lakukan adalah mengunggah logo dan gambar khusus Anda, menyesuaikan menu Anda, dan menyempurnakan detail bisnis Anda, lalu Anda siap berbisnis.
Sesuai Untuk:
Conventions, conferences and trade shows
You're planning a unique and unconventional event and need a website eccentric enough to get users excited. This hip and eye-catching template makes the perfect online platform for promoting, selling tickets, and sharing all the details for your upcoming gathering. Get the word out by creating your site today.
Sesuai Untuk:
Charity events, non-profit organizations and community leaders
Your fun-filled charity event needs an informative and engaging landing page, and this template is the perfect place to start. Highlight your agenda, sell tickets, showcase sponsors and get your attendees ready to take action in your cause with this inviting and family-friendly site design.
Sesuai Untuk:
Artists, activists and event planners
You’re part of a community that has an important message to share. What better way than with the power of art and creativity. Organize a gathering to rally the troops with this clean and eye-catching template design. Customize the visuals and set up your event RSVP. Get the word out about your cause today!
Sesuai Untuk:
Designers, creative directors, architects and artistic professionals
Invite, inspire and impress your users with this bold and sophisticated template design. Showcase your beautiful portfolio, share important updates, and customize your images, text, and layout to bring your unique vision to life. It all starts here!
Sesuai Untuk:
Konsultan kesehatan, fisioterapis, dan profesional medis
Template warna-warni dan serbaguna untuk pakar perkembangan bayi ini adalah keseimbangan sempurna antara profesional dan menyenangkan. Berikan pasien Anda panduan yang mereka butuhkan dengan informasi yang berguna, video, dan pendaftaran online untuk lokakarya, semuanya dalam template yang mudah diedit. Cukup klik 'Edit' untuk menjadikan situs ini milik Anda.
Sesuai Untuk:
Peneliti, dosen dan profesional akademik
Dapatkan perhatian dengan template ramping dan profesional ini yang ditujukan untuk pembicara utama. Pamerkan publikasi terbaru Anda, unggah video dari pertemuan sebelumnya, dan gunakan Wix Bookings untuk memastikan kalender Anda selalu penuh. Mulai mengedit sekarang untuk membuat situs yang akan menjadikan Anda bintang pertunjukan.
Sesuai Untuk:
Pelaku, komedian, dan profesional hiburan
Tidak perlu membaca mantra untuk mengetahui betapa pentingnya desain situs Anda untuk menarik pengguna ke halaman Anda. Pamerkan testimoni, sesuaikan media, dan buat pemirsa Anda terpesona dengan template yang menarik dan profesional ini. Mulai mengedit hari ini dan dorong pengunjung untuk memesan tempat di pertunjukan langsung Anda berikutnya. Biarkan pertunjukan dimulai!