Pilih template website yang Anda Sukai
  • Template situs web Blog – Blog Olahraga

    Sesuai Untuk:

    Fotografer Olahraga Ekstrim, Fotografer Petualangan Outdoor, Fotografer Bawah Air


    Tempatkan pengunjung Anda tepat di tengah aksi dengan menyapa mereka dengan galeri gambar menakjubkan yang secara otomatis meluncur melalui pilihan foto terbaik dan paling berani Anda. Desain sederhana dan seimbang memungkinkan gambar Anda muncul dan melakukan sebagian besar pembicaraan untuk Anda, sementara asimetri estetika menarik pembaca untuk terus menggulir dan menjelajahi halaman.

  • Template situs web Blog – Coming Soon Landing Page

    Sesuai Untuk:

    Design studios, artists, bloggers.


    It's easy to keep in touch with your site visitors while your blog is under constuction. Simply add your contact information, link your social media accounts, and you're set. While your working on your site, allow your visitors to subscribe to updates and let them know when you're ready to go live. Your exciting website is only a few clicks away, start editing now.

  • Template situs web Blog – Design Blog & Groups

    Sesuai Untuk:

    Desainer, blogger, dan seniman


    Buat komunitas desain online dengan template forum yang bergaya dan modern ini. Sesuaikan kategori dan blog unggulan Anda dengan mudah tentang topik hangat untuk memicu keterlibatan dan mendorong pengunjung situs Anda untuk bergabung dengan forum Anda. Cukup mulai mengedit sekarang dan mulai sensasi online yang tidak dapat ditolak oleh rekan desainer.

  • Template situs web Blog – Travel Blog

    Sesuai Untuk:

    Travel communities, bloggers, and photographers


    Create an international meeting point for worldwide travelers to connect, exchange advice and stay in touch. Inspiring yet efficient, this blog template is easy to explore with organized sections and relevant categories for all travel resources. If you’re looking for a different format, simply customize through the editor. Embark on the journey to begin building your online community.

  • Template situs web Blog – Family Blog

    Sesuai Untuk:

    Artsy Moms, Crafty Moms, Creative Moms


    Calling all mommies with great skills to share with the world. Use this template to seamlessly collect and organize your skills, images, and DIY tutorials into pages and sections. Posting a new blog post or image is easy as pie, and a clean interface and easy navigation tools make this the best option for moms who want to organize and share all their home projects with the world.

  • Template situs web Blog – Family Blog & Forum

    Sesuai Untuk:

    Moms, parents-to-be, community leaders, and doulas


    This simple yet stunning template is perfect for busy moms who are looking to connect with parents just like themselves. Whether you have a skill you'd like to share or are seeking parenting tips and advice, take advantage of this easy-to-edit template for all of your needs. Simply click edit to get started!

  • Template situs web Blog – DIY Blog & Forum

    Sesuai Untuk:

    Artists, makers, and all creative types


    Engage your online community with this bright and colorful forum template. Featuring a blog and an image gallery, this template will make it easy for members of your artistic community to share ideas, display their work and bring the artistic conversation to life!

  • Template situs web Blog – Personal Vlog

    Sesuai Untuk:

    Lifestyle vloggers, video makers, and social media professionals


    You're fun, outgoing, and full of ideas to share with the world. This vlogger template is a sleek and stylish foundation for an official site that showcases your talent, style, and social media presence. Wix Video makes it easy to upload and manage all your videos in one place, so you can focus on creating new content, boosting engagement with your community of followers, and expanding your viewership.