Sesuai Untuk:
Journalists, Writers, Editors
Keep your profile neat and simple with this sleek CV template. Whether you're an aspiring writer or a seasoned journalist, this page is easily customizable to highlight your skills, education, and work experience. Update your resume today and share your story with style and simplicity.
Sesuai Untuk:
Resumes, CVs, and creative professionals
You're a creative individual, and your CV should reflect your imaginative personality. Now it can with this bright, bold, and modern template that allows you to represent your skills, showcase the projects you've worked on, and let your originality shine through. Like what you see? Make it yours by editing now.
Sesuai Untuk:
Toko buku digital, penerbit buku dan majalah online
Template pintar ini membuktikan bahwa terkadang Anda bisa menilai buku dari sampulnya. Unggah gambar judul terlaris Anda dengan mudah, meja kopi must-have Anda, dan sensasi sastra lainnya, perbarui kalender acara Anda yang akan datang, dan tambahkan informasi tentang siapa Anda dan apa yang Anda perjuangkan. Siap menjadi magnet kutu buku? Dapatkan bisnis Anda online hari ini!
Sesuai Untuk:
Bloggers, product reviewers and art enthusiasts
Your content speaks for itself, all it needs is an online space for you to share all these personal thoughts and opinions. This Wix Blog template makes a perfect start for engaging your site visitors with an intimate and enjoyable website experience. Share posts, register subscribers and build your online community today.
Sesuai Untuk:
Penulis, editor, dan pakar pemasaran
Pekerjaan Anda layak menjadi yang terdepan. Template yang profesional dan bersemangat ini memiliki semua yang Anda butuhkan untuk memberikan gambaran kepada calon klien tentang siapa Anda dan apa yang Anda lakukan, mulai dari menampilkan proyek yang mengesankan hingga mempromosikan layanan Anda. Siap untuk memulai? Klik "Edit" untuk memulai.
Sesuai Untuk:
Content writers, editors, and marketing specialists.
Sleek and stylish, this linear, single-page template caters to writers of all types. Visitors can easily navigate the site to find relevant information such as services provided, work samples, and contact information. Customize the text and pictures to make it yours today.
Sesuai Untuk:
Professional writers, legal consultants and localization experts
Organized, experienced, and reliable. These are the qualities of a successful consultant in the legal and business industries, and the characteristics that should be showcased on your website to help you stand out from the rest of the pack. Designed with lots of text in mind, this template is perfect for sharing your past work and professional qualifications, emphasizing your areas of expertise and the services you offer, and ultimately gaining new clients and projects.