Sesuai Untuk:
Galleries, exhibitions and art collections
Just as art serves as a window into the mind and the soul, this template serves as a window into the bold and unique collections awaiting your future visitors. Inspire and inform by adding engaging images and descriptions of your latest exhibitions, and use Wix Events to make registration and attendance to special events simple and quick. Click “Edit” to begin creating your own artistic vision.
Sesuai Untuk:
Sekolah seni, pesta dan event anak-anak
Template menyenangkan yang menampilkan warna-warna cerah, font ramah, dan latar belakang berpanel kayu. Iklankan kelas Anda dan jelaskan filosofi pengajaran Anda. Sesuaikan desain dan tambahkan foto Anda sendiri untuk berbagi senyuman!