Pilih template website yang Anda Sukai
  • Template situs web Sekolah & Universitas – Education Blog

    Sesuai Untuk:

    Teachers, academics and researchers


    Share your passion for knowledge and education with this bright and engaging template design. Finally, you’ll have a dedicated space to share your ideas, teaching experiences, and useful information for readers, peers and parents, alike. Simply click to edit each post and watch your blog become the go-to source for educational tips and findings.

  • Template situs web Sekolah & Universitas – Periset

    Sesuai Untuk:

    Profesor, pembicara publik, dan penulis


    Atur tulisan dan pencapaian akademis Anda di situs yang profesional dan langsung. Dengan halaman khusus untuk penelitian, blog, dan tampilan media Anda, pengunjung situs Anda akan selalu mendapatkan informasi terbaru. Templat ini menyertakan Toko Wix untuk Anda menjual publikasi, dan halaman event dengan opsi pendaftaran agar penggemar dapat melihat Anda secara langsung. Pastikan untuk menyertakan CV dan informasi kontak Anda, dan klik 'Terbitkan' segera setelah Anda siap untuk ditayangkan.

  • Template situs web Sekolah & Universitas – Researcher

    Sesuai Untuk:

    Professors, academics and researchers


    Your work is a valuable contribution to society, and you deserve a website that showcases its importance. This template comes with everything you need; space to introduce a bit about yourself and your interests, a page to include your publications, and a Wix Blog to share your latest updates.

  • Template situs web Sekolah & Universitas – Sekolah Fitness

    Sesuai Untuk:

    Akademi pelatihan profesional, lokakarya kesehatan, dan kursus kebugaran.


    Kesehatan, kekuatan, kesehatan. Ini adalah hal-hal yang Anda ingin pengunjung situs Anda hargai, dan mengapa template akademi kebugaran ini sangat cocok untuk menarik mereka. Dengan tata letak yang bersih dan jelas yang menekankan visi akademi Anda, testimonial pelatihan, anggota tim yang memenuhi syarat, dan penawaran kursus yang dapat dipesan, program Anda akan penuh dengan rekrutan baru dalam waktu singkat.

  • Template situs web Sekolah & Universitas – Classroom

    Sesuai Untuk:

    Online teaching, virtual schools and digital learning platforms


    This template is like a colorful and inviting digital bulletin board, bringing the fun to online learning. Add your latest schedules and useful links, upload assignments with the easy-to-use file sharing tool, and start a Wix Blog to share the latest news and updates all in one place. Getting going is easy — just click “Edit” to begin!

  • Template situs web Sekolah & Universitas – Researcher

    Sesuai Untuk:

    Professors, Academic Professionals, and Lecturers


    Are you looking for a website to help organize your work and track your academic progress? This professional and functional template is the perfect solution. It's a great way for you to store publications, research papers and personal journals, ensuring that your site visitors are always up to date. Be sure to upload your CV and contact information, add a blog, then click publish as soon as you're ready to go live.

  • Template situs web Sekolah & Universitas – School PTA

    Sesuai Untuk:

    Parent associations, educational organizations and community groups


    Give your group's impact a boost with this efficient and community-inspired template. Designed as an online hub of information and engagement, this site has everything you need: a calendar for sharing upcoming events, a forum to promote interactions between members, customizable forms to register new participants, and much more.

  • Template situs web Sekolah & Universitas – Reunion

    Sesuai Untuk:

    High School Reunion, Class Reunion


    A big school reunion needs a bold event invitation. This classic style and compact design lets guests view all the information they need, right before their eyes. With text and graphics that are sure to bring back memories from the schoolyard, simply click “Edit” to start celebrating your reunion the way it was meant to be.

  • Template situs web Sekolah & Universitas – Academic CV

    Sesuai Untuk:

    Students, interns, and business professionals


    With a simple and sleek layout, this template puts the focus on your resume's main message: the value you provide. Display your education and experience with ease, and show off your skills and qualifications with a clean visual representation. With a CV like this, who wouldn't want to hire you? Make this template your own by clicking "Edit" now.