Sesuai Untuk:
Pameran seni, pembukaan galeri, toko pop-up
Biarkan kreativitas Anda menjadi pusat perhatian dengan single-pager (satu halaman) yang sederhana namun mengesankan ini. Tambahkan foto karya Anda dengan mudah dan tautkan ke semua saluran sosial Anda sehingga pengunjung dapat terhubung lebih baik dengan karya seni Anda. Wix Events memungkinkan Anda untuk membagikan semua detail penting dan memungkinkan tamu RSVP dari perangkat mereka.
Sesuai Untuk:
Baby showers, kid's birthday parties, and family events
Share your special event by inviting family and friends to the celebration. With a cute feel and illustrative look, all you need to do is customize a few details about your event such as when and where it's taking place. Click 'Publish' and share the link with guests so they can RSVP today.
Sesuai Untuk:
Charity events, non-profit organizations and community leaders
Your fun-filled charity event needs an informative and engaging landing page, and this template is the perfect place to start. Highlight your agenda, sell tickets, showcase sponsors and get your attendees ready to take action in your cause with this inviting and family-friendly site design.
Sesuai Untuk:
Artists, activists and event planners
You’re part of a community that has an important message to share. What better way than with the power of art and creativity. Organize a gathering to rally the troops with this clean and eye-catching template design. Customize the visuals and set up your event RSVP. Get the word out about your cause today!
Sesuai Untuk:
Family events, weekend getaways and special celebrations
Be the group's tech-savvy hero by building a site dedicated to your upcoming event. Include relevant details such as logistics and information about planned activities, and easily manage invites and RSVPs. Add your own personal touch by uploading nostalgic images and videos in the media gallery, and let the fun memories begin!
Sesuai Untuk:
Festivals, conferences and professional events
This is no ordinary Wix template. It comes jam-packed with impressive designs, creative layouts, and engaging visuals which are guaranteed to grasp the attention of your site visitors. With Wix Events, this site makes the perfect platform for selling tickets, showcasing featured speakers, and highlighting the important info your attendees and participants should know.
Sesuai Untuk:
Konferensi, lokakarya, dan event perusahaan
Pikat tamu ke acara Anda dengan halaman arahan yang modern dan ambisius. Template ini mencakup banyak ruang untuk menyesuaikan detail penting tentang acara mendatang Anda, seperti tanggal, waktu dan lokasi, informasi tentang pembicara utama dan sponsor. Buat semua orang bersemangat dengan mengunggah sorotan dari acara sebelumnya menggunakan Wix Video, dan kelola penjualan tiket dengan Wix Events sehingga Anda dapat mulai mendaftarkan peserta segera setelah Anda mempublikasikan situs Anda.
Sesuai Untuk:
Conferences, campaigns and event landing pages
This landing page has everything that you need to promote your campaign and upcoming conference. Wix Events allows you to sell tickets and manage the participants’ list, share details about your impressive lineup of speakers and the engaging agenda, add vital information about ways to get there or accommodation options, and finally, get your audience excited by sharing on-topic news and blog posts. Organizing your next event can be so easy and fun - so start editing today!
Sesuai Untuk:
Wedding dress boutiques, fashion designers and specialty clothing shops
A template that brings the elegance and romance of your designs to life on the screen. Showcase your collections, highlight happy brides in the photo gallery and make it easy for potential customers to come visit your boutique using the Bookings App. Click ‘Edit’ to start creating your stylish site.
Sesuai Untuk:
Galleries, exhibitions and art collections
Just as art serves as a window into the mind and the soul, this template serves as a window into the bold and unique collections awaiting your future visitors. Inspire and inform by adding engaging images and descriptions of your latest exhibitions, and use Wix Events to make registration and attendance to special events simple and quick. Click “Edit” to begin creating your own artistic vision.
Sesuai Untuk:
Group retreats, wellness communities and mindfulness events
You offer unique experiences and opportunities for attendees to enjoy, and this balanced template reflects the natural and authentic feel of your events. Share information, raise awareness, and allow users to easily apply/register. You can even showcase testimonials and images from past participants. It all begins with a click.