Pilih template website yang Anda Sukai
  • Template situs web Liburan & Perayaan – Food Blog

    Sesuai Untuk:

    Holiday blogs, food bloggers, and online recipe collections


    Inspire your foodie followers and channel the holiday spirit with a gorgeous site full of decadent recipes to try out. Wix Blog makes it easy to create and organize posts into themed collections. With a section for your latest blog posts and a stunning Instagram feed, your site visitors will find something new and engaging every time.

  • Template situs web Liburan & Perayaan – Fotografer Pernikahan

    Sesuai Untuk:

    Fotografer event, Fotografer pernikahan, Direktur Seni, Desainer


    Pajang karya Anda dengan portofolio profesional, yang dirancang dan dibangun dengan cermat untuk kebutuhan fotografer. Unggah foto, video, dan teks beresolusi tinggi Anda ke Galeri Wix Pro, nikmati kebebasan penyesuaian, tambahkan halaman untuk bio atau detail kontak Anda, dan tunjukkan kepada dunia bakat Anda.

  • Template situs web Liburan & Perayaan – Birthday Invitation

    Sesuai Untuk:

    Baby’s first birthday, children's birthday parties, and events.


    Celebrate your baby’s first birthday by inviting your friends and family with a fun e-vite template. This bright, colorful, one-page site is super easy to use - simply customize the event details and send it to your family and friends. Now you can focus on the fun stuff like the cake, decorations, and gifts.

  • Template situs web Liburan & Perayaan – Pertanian

    Sesuai Untuk:

    Pertanian, kebun komunitas, dan bisnis pertanian


    Template yang menyenangkan dan meriah ini menyediakan semua yang Anda butuhkan untuk mempromosikan bisnis Anda secara online. Wix Bookings memudahkan Anda untuk mengelola aktivitas mendatang, mendaftarkan tamu, dan bahkan menerima pembayaran—semua melalui situs web Anda. Sinkronkan akun Instagram Anda untuk menampilkan apa yang Anda tawarkan, dan buat pengunjung situs bersemangat untuk mendaftar!

  • Template situs web Liburan & Perayaan – Christmas Party Invitation

    Sesuai Untuk:

    Christmas parties, holiday celebrations, and special events


    Bright, jolly and festive, this template is sure to get your guests in the holiday spirit! Customize each section with your event details and use Wix Events to easily collect RSVPs. Click edit to start the festivities!

  • Template situs web Liburan & Perayaan – Christmas Tree Farm

    Sesuai Untuk:

    Farms, seasonal businesses and holiday markets


    Spread the holiday cheer with a website full of fun and festive vibes. With plenty of space to share your activities and offerings, and an Instagram feed ready to easily sync with your social account, this template has everything you need to get started.

  • Template situs web Liburan & Perayaan – Christmas Album Landing Page

    Sesuai Untuk:

    Christmas musicians, holiday music bands and singer-songwriters


    Get into the holiday spirit with a festive new template. Using this stunning, elegant template is as easy as filling up a Christmas stocking: personalize the text, add custom images and upload your tunes to Wix Music. Ready to take your Christmas tunes to the web? Start editing and spread your cheer online today!

  • Template situs web Liburan & Perayaan – Holiday Event

    Sesuai Untuk:

    Easter egg hunts, Easter parties, and religious celebration


    Playful, joyous and bright, this template is perfect for your upcoming Easter celebration. Easily customize the text and images to make it your own, and use Wix Events to collect RSVPs, manage your guest list and more. Get started today!

  • Template situs web Liburan & Perayaan – Holiday Party Invitation

    Sesuai Untuk:

    Holiday parties, celebration save-the-dates, and special events.


    Impress your guests with this festive, sleek and beautiful invitation template. Customize the text and images to fit your holiday celebration, and easily track RSVPs through Wix Events. Simply click edit to begin and kick off your event!

  • Template situs web Liburan & Perayaan – Toko Natal

    Sesuai Untuk:

    Toko Natal, butik liburan, dan toko dekorasi


    Bawa pelanggan Anda ke dalam semangat belanja liburan dengan template Ecom yang meriah dan menarik ini. Gunakan halaman Toko untuk mengatur semua barang dagangan Anda ke dalam kategori, dan soroti penjualan eksklusif dan penawaran khusus langsung di beranda Anda. Tambahkan gambar dan harga dengan mudah ke setiap koleksi, dan mulailah menjual merchandise Natal favorit Anda hari ini!