Sesuai Untuk:
Klinik medis, Usaha kecil
Komunikasikan standar profesional klinik kesehatan Anda dengan template situs web yang tajam ini. Unggah foto anggota staf untuk memproyeksikan citra ramah kepada pasien dan edit teks untuk menyoroti perawatan, kualifikasi, dan layanan Anda. Mulai mengedit untuk membuat situs web yang dipoles!
Sesuai Untuk:
Pelatih kesehatan, konsultan makanan, dan profesional kesehatan
Anda membantu klien mencapai tujuan kesehatan dan kebugaran mereka, dan situs web Anda seharusnya tidak meninggalkan keraguan bahwa Andalah yang dapat mereka tuju. Template ini memiliki banyak ruang untuk menampilkan kualifikasi profesional, filosofi pribadi, dan sumber daya kesehatan Anda, sehingga pengunjung situs tidak akan ragu untuk memesan layanan Anda. Jangan tunggu lagi—mulai membangun situs dan merek online Anda hari ini.
Sesuai Untuk:
Doctors, medical services, health services, physicians, nurse practitioners
This warm, welcoming template is perfect for your clinic. Introduce your doctors, discuss services and treatments, and keep patients up to date with the latest news from the field. Start editing and get on the road to new patients, every day!
Sesuai Untuk:
Mindfulness, alternative medicine and lifestyle bloggers
The journey to balance and calm is just a click away with this colorful, clean template. The Wix Blog is an engaging way to share news, tips and resources with your readers, while the built-in Subscribe and Contact forms make it easy to grow your followers and fanbase. What are you waiting for? Click ‘Edit’ and get started on your path today.
Sesuai Untuk:
Pekerja lepas, konsultan, dan profesional kesehatan
Klien Anda mempercayai Anda untuk membantu memaksimalkan potensi mereka, dan itu membutuhkan situs web yang tidak hanya tampak hebat tetapi juga membedakan Anda dari pesaing. Template yang bersih dan informatif ini memiliki semua yang Anda butuhkan untuk menarik klien baru, menjadikan diri Anda sebagai pemimpin dalam industri Anda, dan menerima pemesanan untuk layanan Anda.
Sesuai Untuk:
Medical, Business, Health, Professionals
Give your medical clinic an edge with this polished and professional template. Introduce your doctors, add a helpful FAQ, and keep patients up to date with the latest news from the field. Start editing to expand your client base!
Sesuai Untuk:
Consultants, personal coaches and wellness professionals
This template is perfect for highlighting the guidance and support you offer clients with your professional services. Establish yourself as an authority in the field by sharing glowing testimonials as well as important details of your unique and proven method, and engage site visitors by sharing tips with a beautiful and interactive Wix Blog.
Sesuai Untuk:
Clinics, medical centers and small businesses.
Create a professional website for your clinic or practice using this sleek yet welcoming website template. With a stunning strip image on every page and ample space to inform your clients about your practice, staff and other essential information, you can create an authentic website in just a matter of moments. Simply click to begin editing and watch your online presence soar to success.
Sesuai Untuk:
Community leaders, wellness professionals and health advocates
Now more than ever, it's important to have access to the right information and resources. This welcoming and current template puts your Wix Forum front-and-center, making it easy for visitors to browse, find and share the content that's relevant for them. Attract more members and invite them to register so they can add their own contributions to the community.
Sesuai Untuk:
Health professionals, wellness bloggers and therapists
Inspire brighter days ahead for you and your readers with this personal blog. This friendly, upbeat template is a great way to advocate your cause and watch your subscribers grow. Share intimate stories about your journey, advice and helpful resources that will give your readers the comfort they seek. Just click ‘Edit’ to begin - it’s all it takes.