Pilih template website yang Anda Sukai
  • Template situs web eCommerce – Toko Perlengkapan Kecantikan

    Sesuai Untuk:

    Peritel produk kecantikan online, pemasok perawatan kulit, dan toko tata rias & rambut


    Sebuah template yang bersinar seperti keindahan dari dalam. Promosikan pendatang baru, produk terlaris, dan penawaran khusus dengan Wix Stores, dan undang pengguna untuk menemukan favorit baru dengan formulir berlangganan bawaan. Untuk menjadikannya milik Anda, cukup tambahkan gambar dan teks dan bersiaplah untuk melihat produk Anda terbang dari rak virtual.

  • Template situs web eCommerce – Toko Merchandise Olahraga

    Sesuai Untuk:

    Online sports goods stores, accessories shops and merchandise retailers


    Once you build a site with this bold, and engaging template, sit back and watch your business grow. The Wix Stores app makes it easy to process one-time purchases and build a long-term customer base by offering subscription. Ready to make your sales sprout? Click “Edit” to begin.

  • Template situs web eCommerce – Toko Cookies

    Sesuai Untuk:

    Tukang roti, toko makanan penutup, dan katering


    Anda menaruh banyak hati dan jiwa ke dalam barang buatan Anda, dan pantas mendapatkan situs web yang mencerminkan hal ini kepada pengunjung. Pamerkan produk nikmat Anda dengan galeri gambar yang indah, biarkan pelanggan dengan mudah menelusuri dan membeli dengan toko online, dan tetap terhubung dengan menautkan media sosial Anda.

  • Template situs web eCommerce – Kitchen Supply Store

    Sesuai Untuk:

    Online stores, small shops and kitchenware retailers


    This polished, clean eCommerce template is perfect for your kitchen supply business. The slideshow gallery on the home page lets you draw attention to your top selling products while the inner pages give you the space to display your full collections. Add photos, upload text, and get cooking!

  • Template situs web eCommerce – Electronics Store

    Sesuai Untuk:

    Audio retailers, headphone stockists and electronic stores


    An edgy and exciting template for the hottest headphones around. Market your cutting-edge audio equipment with your own unique images and text; customize your colors and style and let the world hear your sound!

  • Template situs web eCommerce – Shoe Store

    Sesuai Untuk:

    Online stores, fashion retailers and shoes stockists


    These shoes are made for selling, and that's just what you'll do. This crisp, sophisticated template lets your styles take center stage. Upload photos, add descriptions, and watch your products fly off the web!

  • Template situs web eCommerce – Wellness Store

    Sesuai Untuk:

    Spas, naturalists, apothecaries, homeopathic remedies, eCommerce


    Clean and simple, just like your homeopathic treatments, this template is perfect for presenting your wares. Add text and upload images to customize your site with your healing philosophy and powerful products. With Add-to-Cart buttons featured on the home page, it’s never been easier for customers to purchase your wares.

  • Template situs web eCommerce – Toko Pakaian Anak

    Sesuai Untuk:

    peritel, peritel pakaian bayi, pakaian hamil, ibu baru, eCommerce


    Template manis dan nyaman yang sempurna untuk perusahaan pakaian anak-anak Anda. Unggah gambar dan tambahkan teks untuk memamerkan barang dagangan Anda. Tidak pernah semudah ini bagi pelanggan untuk membeli produk Anda.

  • Template situs web eCommerce – Eyewear Store

    Sesuai Untuk:

    Online stores, boutiques and fashion retailers


    A sleek and stylish platform to sell your luxury fashion accessories online. Customize the product galleries, highlight your press coverage, and promote sale items. Start editing to create an online store that’s as chic as your designs.

  • Template situs web eCommerce – Home Goods Store

    Sesuai Untuk:

    Online stores, retailers and home-ware sellers


    Create a professional online store with this warm yet and contemporary home accessories template. Start editing to create an easy-to-navigate website that allows viewers to browse products on your homepage with ease. Simply upload images to the product gallery, personalize the descriptions and start selling today.

  • Template situs web eCommerce – Toko Arloji

    Sesuai Untuk:

    Toko online, peritel aksesori dan perhiasan.


    Template yang dipoles dengan nuansa mewah. Sorot penjual teratas Anda menggunakan galeri produk di beranda dan edit detail produk untuk menyiapkan toko online Anda untuk bisnis. Pelanggan dapat menelusuri gambar dan deskripsi produk, memeriksa FAQ, dan memilih item untuk dibeli.

  • Template situs web eCommerce – Beauty Shop

    Sesuai Untuk:

    Retailers of beauty products, perfumes and organic goods.


    Natural colors and a floral background make this a perfect template for your line of organic skincare products. Tell the story of your brand, showcase your goods in multiple galleries, and direct customers to your outlets. Start editing to build your online presence!