Sesuai Untuk:
Nature photographers, wildlife enthusiasts, and animal lovers
Whether you need a website to store your images or you're looking to showcase your photography work, this template has it all. Use Wix Photo Albums to create private collections for your clients, and Wix Art Store to easily sell digital prints. Write a few blog posts, upload photographs, and publish a professional site where your visual creativity takes center stage.
Sesuai Untuk:
Fotografer, profesional kreatif, dan portofolio
Tarik perhatian ke portofolio Anda dengan skema warna elektrik dan desain geometris dari template gratis ini. Pilihan untuk menambahkan beberapa galeri foto memungkinkan Anda untuk memamerkan proyek kreatif Anda dari setiap sudut. Mulai mengedit untuk membuat situs web yang menarik untuk fotografi, desain, atau agensi media Anda! Gunakan halaman Blog agar pengikut Anda selalu mengetahui aktivitas terbaru Anda.
Sesuai Untuk:
Fotografer event, Fotografer pernikahan, Direktur Seni, Desainer
Pajang karya Anda dengan portofolio profesional, yang dirancang dan dibangun dengan cermat untuk kebutuhan fotografer. Unggah foto, video, dan teks beresolusi tinggi Anda ke Galeri Wix Pro, nikmati kebebasan penyesuaian, tambahkan halaman untuk bio atau detail kontak Anda, dan tunjukkan kepada dunia bakat Anda.
Sesuai Untuk:
Fotografer, seniman, dan profesional kreatif
Anda membawa pendekatan unik untuk pekerjaan Anda dan harus memiliki situs web yang memancarkan kreativitas Anda. Template ini adalah portofolio trendi dan modern untuk menampilkan proyek Anda, terlibat dengan pengunjung situs, dan menumbuhkan pengikut Anda. Dengan halaman dinamis, Anda dapat dengan mudah mengelola koleksi Anda di database Wix Code dan melihat saat situs Anda diperbarui secara otomatis untuk menampilkan konten menarik Anda.
Sesuai Untuk:
Architecture photographers, photography studios, and creative professionals
Impress potential clients with this clean and elegant template. The spacious layout will give your beautiful photographs the space they deserve and the category pages will help you arrange your collections for easy browsing. Add prints to the site’s store page and get your business rolling today!
Sesuai Untuk:
Professional portfolios, photography albums and student projects
Your ability to channel your skills and passion is what makes you stand out from the crowd; but catching your next high-flying opportunity is more challenging than you think. That's where this bright and engaging template design comes in. Display your contact info, attract new clients, connect your social accounts, and showcase your work by customizing the professional media gallery. Click "Edit" to begin.
Sesuai Untuk:
Bloggers, Photographers, Publishers, Freelancers.
Create a beautiful photo blog narrative with this clean template that puts the spotlight on your stunning images. Featuring a large strip header with parallax scrolling effects, wow your visitors with a hi-res photo stream and tell your story with our easy-to-use blogging platform.
Sesuai Untuk:
Fotografer, penulis, profesional kreatif, portofolio
Template netral ini adalah rumah yang sempurna untuk portofolio Anda. Unggah foto, tambahkan postingan blog, dan posting informasi kontak Anda, dan saksikan fotografi Anda muncul! Desain minimalis dan stripped-down sangat cocok untuk gambar yang berbicara seribu kata.
Sesuai Untuk:
Traveling photographers, Life & Culture photographers, Nature Photographers, Wildlife and Animals photographers
Let your photos shine in this beautiful portfolio! Upload your work in the best possible quality, add videos and texts and make this template totally yours. With a bio page and contact details, your future clients would be able to reach you easily and effectively. Get professional today.
Sesuai Untuk:
People photographers, Life & Culture photographers, Urban & Street photographers
Clean and simple, this photography portfolio template is the perfect platform for your amazing work. Keep your photos in the best possible quality, add videos and texts to enrich your website and use a simple contact form to connect with potential clients.
Sesuai Untuk:
Photographers, artists, creative professionals.
So many beautiful moments and images are captured by countless imaginative and talented photographers. This simple yet stunning photography forum template makes it easy for artists and creative communities to come together, share ideas and projects on a variety of topics, and engage with one another online.
Sesuai Untuk:
Creative professionals, artists, art directors
Put your work on display with this minimalistic template. Upload photos, videos, and blog posts, add pages for your bio and contact, and show the world your talents! Nothing can hold your creativity back - get started today!