Wix ile Global Hizmet

proyek selesai

Bursa, TR


Since 2003, AL&BA and AGB have provided top-tier digital solutions, specializing in web design, web development, e-commerce, mobile applications, web hosting, domain registration, search engine optimization,... social media management, and digital advertising. With a highly skilled team, we bring our clients cutting-edge, customized digital experiences that empower their online presence. The AGB e-commerce platform offers a comprehensive solution for entrepreneurs starting online businesses, brick-and-mortar stores moving online, and established brands with over $1 million in sales. Our industry-leading site builder and advanced business tools are designed to help you launch, manage, and scale your online store successfully. Empowering businesses through digital excellence, we deliver an exceptional experience on the Wix platform, pushing boundaries in "Legend" mode to unlock new heights for our clients.
Cocok untuk:

Layanan yang ditawarkan
Layanan SEOOptimasi TokoMigrasi Situs WebSitus Web SelulerDesain Situs Web KlasikFacebook PixelDesain Situs Web LanjutanGoogle AnalyticsPanduan Situs WebPembaruan SitusPemasaran EmailInstal AppPengaturan TokoKoneksi domainKemampuan Toko LanjutanSitus web eCommerce

Layanan & tarif

Desain Web (5)

Tugas Kecil (8)

Toko Online (4)

Pemasaran & Promosi (3)

Desain Situs Web Klasik

Dapatkan situs web dasar termasuk tema.
Mulai $1.000

Desain Situs Web Lanjutan

Dapatkan situs web dengan visual yang disesuaikan, fitur canggih, dan lainnya.
Mulai $2.500

Desain ulang Situs Web

Dapatkan tema dan desain baru untuk situs web Anda.
Mulai $1.250

Migrasi Situs Web

Gunakan grafis dan konten Anda di situs Wix baru.
Mulai $650

Situs Web Seluler

Buat situs Anda terlihat bagus di perangkat seluler.
Mulai $500

Ulasan (1)

 / 5
Ahmet Kardaslar

5 Des 2024

Lihat Proyek
Dönüş bile yapmadılar 😒😒😒...
Layanan yang Disediakan: Pembaruan Situs
Tanggapan Profesional
Merhabalar Wix'de Efsane Modunda olan tek kuruluşuz Size whatsapp üzerinden yazılmış fakat dönüş alınmamış efendim. Aynı zamanda mail üzerinden de yazılmış size ihtiyacınız varsa yardımcı olmak isterim....