I have been an application developer for 25 years and a Wix Velo Certified Developer. I participated in the Wix Blocks Beta program, as well as working with a client in the Wix Enterprise program. I... can work in both the development (coding) side as well as the design side, and have taken clients from beginning to end of a project, from concept, to Figma mockup to design/layout and development.
Cocok untuk:
Layanan yang ditawarkan
Konten dengan DatabaseFungsionalitas Situs KustomLayanan Pihak KetigaInstal AppPanduan CodingKoneksi domainFormulir Input KustomEmail Kustom
Proyek unggulan (7)
Layanan & tarif
Tugas Kecil (3)
Pengembangan Web (5)
Koneksi domain
Hubungkan atau cantumkan domain ke situs Anda.
Instal App
Tambah app seperti Forum, Blog, Event, Pemesanan, Toko dan Obrolan.
Email Kustom
Dapatkan email dan kotak surat kustom untuk bisnis Anda.