¡Hola! Soy Juan Villegas, experto en marketing digital y diseño web con un enfoque especial en la plataforma WIX. Transformo ideas en experiencias digitales impactantes, creando no solo sitios... web atractivos y funcionales, sino también estrategias de marketing digital efectivas. Con mi experiencia en el desarrollo de proyectos en WIX, ofrezco soluciones integrales que impulsarán tu presencia en línea. Desde la creación de sitios web personalizados hasta campañas de marketing digital que maximizan la visibilidad de tu negocio, estoy aquí para llevar tu marca al siguiente nivel en el vasto mundo digital. ¡Vamos a construir juntos una presencia en línea que destaque y conecte con tu audiencia! +573007109065 -
Hello! I'm Juan Villegas, a digital marketing and web design specialist with a particular focus on the WIX platform. I transform ideas into impactful digital experiences, creating not only visually appealing and functional websites but also effective digital marketing strategies. With my expertise in WIX project development, I offer comprehensive solutions that will boost your online presence. From crafting custom websites to running digital marketing campaigns that maximize your business visibility, I'm here to take your brand to the next level in the vast digital landscape. Let's build together an online presence that stands out and connects with your audience! +573007109065 -
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Proyek unggulan (20)
Layanan & tarif
Desain Web (4)
Tugas Kecil (6)
Toko Online (3)
Pemasaran & Promosi (3)
Desain Situs Web Klasik
Dapatkan situs web dasar termasuk tema.
Desain Situs Web Lanjutan
Dapatkan situs web dengan visual yang disesuaikan, fitur canggih, dan lainnya.
Desain ulang Situs Web
Dapatkan tema dan desain baru untuk situs web Anda.
Situs Web Seluler
Buat situs Anda terlihat bagus di perangkat seluler.
SCOPETHEORY went above and beyond to create a dynamic and functional 'Art for Sale" website with Galleries and Ecommerce. The product line had many variables for pricing and North America shipping policies... that required strategic thinking to make the end result easy for the purchaser. I worked directly with Tierney and she was outstanding in her attention to detail, Wix work arounds , design components and professional attitude.
Layanan yang Disediakan: Situs web eCommerce
Tanggapan Profesional
I'm so happy we were able to get this completed for you. Thanks for your amazing review! You were such a joy to work with, Chris and I truly appreciate getting to know you. Like you said, we're family... now, and I look forward to working with you in the future!
The good people at Scopetheory did an amazing job. They were prompt, professional and helpful. They had everything fixed within two days and most of that delay was on my end, not theirs. Thank you, thank... you, thank you!
Layanan yang Disediakan: Instal App
Tanggapan Profesional
Thank you for such a lovely review, Dan. You were amazing to work with! Glad we could get this job completed for you! Looking forward to working together again. :) ...