⭐Te ofrecemos sólo lo que necesitas para que tu negocio escale y triunfe. Vive de tu negocio y no para tu negocio. Somos el único partner en España que gestiona el Kit Digital (por algo será...)
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🚀¡Contáctanos! Te atendemos en 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘳𝘤𝘪𝘢𝘭@𝑝𝘭𝘢𝘤𝘦𝘸𝘦𝘣.𝘯𝘦𝘵 y en el tlf. +34 616 044 924 (también en WhatsApp y Telegram).
Cocok untuk:
Layanan yang ditawarkan
Layanan SEOPenulisan KontenOptimasi TokoPengembangan MerekMigrasi Situs WebSitus Web SelulerDesain Situs Web KlasikDesain Situs Web LanjutanGoogle AnalyticsPanduan Situs WebPembaruan SitusPemasaran EmailInstal AppPengaturan TokoKoneksi domainSitus web eCommerce
Proyek unggulan (20)
Layanan & tarif
Desain Web (5)
Tugas Kecil (5)
Toko Online (3)
Pemasaran & Promosi (4)
Desain Grafis (1)
Desain Situs Web Klasik
Dapatkan situs web dasar termasuk tema.
Desain Situs Web Lanjutan
Dapatkan situs web dengan visual yang disesuaikan, fitur canggih, dan lainnya.
Desain ulang Situs Web
Dapatkan tema dan desain baru untuk situs web Anda.
Migrasi Situs Web
Gunakan grafis dan konten Anda di situs Wix baru.
Situs Web Seluler
Buat situs Anda terlihat bagus di perangkat seluler.
First of all, Roni is genuinely a very nice guy, and very communicative was a pleasure working with him. I felt I have got good value for my money. I’m sure we’ll work together in the future....
Rani is very professional, patient and really pays attention to details. Working with him is very pleasant. He is very precise and thorough. Rani gives a lot of creative ideas that allowed the site... to look just perfect!
Rani is one of a kind
Very nice person
Great communication
He kept me informed through the process.
Best value for the money
And he deserves every penny worth
Thank you for your great work🙏...
היי לכולם, כשהתחלתי לעבוד על האתר עם רני, נתקלתי באדם מדהים! שירות יוצא דופן. הוא היה קשוב,רציני ולמרות ששיגעתי אותו ללא הפסקה עזר בכל דבר!
ללא ספק אם אצטרך אתר חדש בחיי אפנה אליו שוב!...
Rani Mizrahi optimized my Wix site for Google (SEO). He performed the work according to schedule and to my complete satisfaction. In addition, I received from him explanations and a lot of information... about the process and the continuation of my work on the site.
Working with Rani was a pleasure and I highly recommend working with him.