Pilih template website yang Anda Sukai

Recommended Templates For You

  • Template situs web Automotive & Cars – Mechanic

    Sesuai Untuk:

    Garages, mechanics, and automobile enthusiasts


    Time to hit the road with this dynamic template, perfect for your repair shop or customer-oriented business. Simply add details about your offerings, upload custom media and client testimonials, and tell your visitors about what makes you unique. With Wix Bookings, you can connect customers to your top-notch services in just a few clicks. What are you waiting for? Rev up your website today!

  • Template situs web Automotive & Cars – Garasi Mobil Vintage

    Sesuai Untuk:

    Spesialis mobil, motor dan otomotif.


    Pikat pelanggan ke garasi Anda dengan templat situs web vintage ini, cocok untuk spesialis mobil, sepeda motor, dan otomotif. Dengan pengguliran paralaks dan galeri yang apik, templat ini siap digunakan. Cukup klik edit untuk menyesuaikan teks dan gambar dan membuat situs web yang mencerminkan nuansa garasi Anda. Mulai mengedit hari ini untuk membangun kehadiran online Anda.

  • Template situs web Automotive & Cars – Montir

    Sesuai Untuk:

    Garasi, pusat perbaikan mobil dan mekanik.


    Buat situs web untuk garasi Anda yang menonjol di antara yang lain dengan templat situs web ini yang ideal untuk mekanik dan bengkel mobil. Terintegrasi dengan Wix Bookings, Anda dapat dengan mudah mempromosikan layanan Anda dan memungkinkan pelanggan Anda memesan janji temu langsung melalui situs web Anda. Mulai mengedit sekarang untuk mendorong bisnis Anda menuju kesuksesan.

  • Template situs web Automotive & Cars – Car Dealership

    Sesuai Untuk:

    Car showrooms, dealerships and auto services.


    Create a template that's as slick as your car showroom with this masculine and polished website template. With separate pages to showcase both pre-owned and new stock, it has never been easier to entice potential customers to visit your showroom. Update the text and images and you're almost done. Start editing now and get your business online today.

  • Template situs web Automotive & Cars – Mechanic

    Sesuai Untuk:

    Mechanics, auto shops, and car repair specialists


    Honest, experienced, affordable. These are the traits car owners appreciate when looking for a mechanic, and the message you will send with this professional template. By highlighting your services and brand certifications, customers gain the confidence to trust you with their mechanical needs.

  • Template situs web Automotive & Cars – Cuci mobil

    Sesuai Untuk:

    Pencucian mobil, pompa bensin, dan detailer mobil


    Sabun dan busa gelembung menyambut pengunjung ke situs Anda dengan template yang menyenangkan ini. Sesuaikan kisah perusahaan cuci mobil Anda dengan mudah dan berikan detail yang relevan dari layanan yang Anda tawarkan. Hapus kekhawatiran situs web Anda dan mulailah mengedit hari ini.

  • Template situs web Automotive & Cars – Car Dealership

    Sesuai Untuk:

    Car showrooms, dealerships and auto services.


    Entice potential customers to come and see your latest stock with this slick car dealership website template. Featuring parallax scrolling and catchy animations, this template is designed to put your dealership in the spotlight. Simply personalize the text and upload images of your stock and you're ready to go! Start editing now and drive your business to success.

  • Template situs web Automotive & Cars – Toko Suku Cadang Mobil

    Sesuai Untuk:

    Toko bodi mobil, pengecer suku cadang, dan mekanik


    Dorong penjualan Anda ke kecepatan tinggi dengan template eCommerce yang mengilap ini. Citra gelap, profesional, dan spanduk promosi berselera tinggi memberikan kesan bergengsi pada situs Anda, sementara warna aksen hangat memberikan sentuhan ekstra. Aplikasi Wix Stores bawaan memudahkan pelanggan untuk berbelanja berdasarkan kategori, dan Wix Forum mendorong mereka untuk membangun komunitas seputar produk Anda. Siap membawa bisnis Anda ke level selanjutnya? Klik "Edit" untuk memulai.

  • Template situs web Automotive & Cars – RV Rentals Company

    Sesuai Untuk:

    Rental shops, mechanics and vehicle dealers


    A clean and trendy template design to put your business on the map. Promote your offerings, connect with site visitors using live chat, and feature inspiring ideas with a Wix Blog. You can even connect Wix Forms to help your clients check availability. Click ‘Edit’ to hitch your ride towards success!

  • Template situs web Automotive & Cars – Taxi Company

    Sesuai Untuk:

    Transportation companies, car services and chauffeurs


    Go the extra mile for your users with a website built using this clean and professional template design. Showcase client testimonials, fixed rates, and list the wide array of services you offer to make sure your customers are at ease as they head to their destination. Click 'Edit' to start creating your site today!